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Reading Station
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Reading Station, Reading Station Car Park,Vastern Road, Reading, RG1 8BT
Number of parking space: 927
Entrance Height: 1.96 Meters
  • Bicycle Parking

    Bicycle Parking

  • Blue Badge Parking

    Blue Badge Parking

  • Credit Card Payment

    Credit Card Payment

  • Pay by Phone

    Pay by Phone

  • Pay with Cash

    Pay with Cash

  • Park Mark Awarded secure Car Park
  • Transport links to rail and bus services are available here.
  • Please note the price quoted is for the times entered on your booking confirmation and no refunds will be given for a shorter stays or if you leave early.
  • THE LATEST YOU CAN BOOK ONLINE IS 24 HOURS BEFORE YOU NEED TO ARRIVE AND PARK! After this point you will need to turn up and pay at the machine.

Location:  Reading Station Car Park,Vastern Road, Reading, RG1 8BT

Directions: At Junction 11 take the sliproad left towards Basingstoke/Reading. After 0.3 miles bear left on to the A33, Basingstoke Road. Continue on the A33, passing through three roundabouts. After 2.4 miles keep straight on to the A329. After 0.8 miles on reaching a rounabout take the third exit and travel onwards for 0.2 miles to reach Reading Station Car Park.

Car Park Map URL:,-0.9648169,16z

Sat Nav Coord: Latitude = 51.461098; Longitude = -0.971323

Entry Procedure: On arrival please drive into the car park – this is an ANPR operated site. If the barriers do not raise on entry, please press for a ticket.  Please take the ticket and proceed to park your car in the nearest available space and retain the ticket.  Please remember to take all your belongings with you.

Exit Procedure: When exiting the car park please drive to the exit in which the barriers will raise to allow you to leave – this is an ANPR operated site.
If the barriers do not raise on exit, please contact one of the APCOA staff in the customer service office located immediately beside the car park exit or press the intercom button on the barriers.

Security Measures: This Car park is manned 24hrs and frequently patrolled.

Facilities for Blue Badge Holders: This car park has spaces reserved for disabled badge holders. You need a valid disabled badge visible in your windscreen to be able to make the use of the marked disabled bays/spaces.

Handing in my keys: No requirement to hand in your keys.

Height Restrictions: 1,96M

Car and Trailer Restrictions: No trailers permitted.

Please be advised that only limited number of spaces are available to pre-book online!

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